SEBS is activating to set-up a “Member Support and Information Desk” (or SEBS HelpDesk for short) to serve our members during this difficult and critical period. Our hope is that this HelpDesk will provide a go-to resource for SEBS members seeking help, information, guidance etc. primarily regarding COVID-related difficulties. If any member is struggling to find medical advice, information on availability of isolation facilities, hospital beds, oxygen supply, or indeed obtaining groceries and food, then our hope is that the Members’ HelpDesk can provide some assistance, directions and support, and even resolution to some of the problems. At this time, we are mostly reliant on our families only for any kind of help/support. We hope the SEBS HelpDesk will be an additional resource that our members can lean on.
We seek your support in ensuring the success of this initiative by please participating in it, using it, making your friends’ circles aware of it, and if possible volunteering your time for it. The more the SEBSers know about this mechanism and use it, the better and more useful it’ll become. For starters, you can help by filling in this Google Form indicating your participation in this mechanism, which will help us get it better organized.
Virtual Information Sessions
Connected to our first effort above, our second initiative is to organize Virtual Information Sessions for our members. Under this initiative, we will try to enlist relevant doctors or health professionals to provide presentations/information about this unique disease and appropriate responses to it. At the current time, there is both an abundance of information (through social media, news-sources etc.) and also a dearth of quality, reliable and accurate information. We hope these virtual info sessions will provide a platform for our members to ask questions and obtain reliable, accurate information directly from the experts. Please be on the look-out for further info regarding the first Virtual Information Session (VIS), which we hope to organize soon.
Support Budhanilkantha Municipality
Aside from these two main efforts, we are also working on other ways to support the wider community. We are considering providing material support (masks, visors, PPEs etc.) to Budhanilkantha Municipality (being the locale of our alma mater) and to hospitals/health facilities in this municipality. We are also looking to collaborate with other organizations in providing assistance and relief in these critical times. We look forward to having your general as well as financial support to realize these efforts.
We hope we have provided a good idea of our efforts, and look forward to having your support for them in the coming days. We shall provide more information as they firm-up. In the meantime, do consider providing financial support to aid us on our way. You can also donate collectively as a batch or individually. Individual donations can be directly used using the following form and if you are abroad you can use SEBS Online for donation. https://www.sebsonline.org/donation.
For additional information please contact using following numbers:
Tilak Dhital: 9840875320