SAHAD Unlearn 8.0

SAHAD Unlearn 8.0

SAHAD Unlearn 8.0

612 612 people viewed this event.

Greetings! We hope you are doing well.

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the eighth session in the Unlearn Series. “Unlearn” is a monthly talk series that aims to create a safe space for us to come together as a community to unlearn about exclusion and relearn about social justice. The series is conceptualized and organized by the SEBS Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination (SAHAD) Committee with the support of our partners, including Budhanilkantha School and Friends of Budhanilkantha School (FOBS).

In this session, Niranjan Kuwar and Prathama Raghavan will lead the conversation on “Safety in Schools.” The discussion will be contextualized around this article. We recommend all participants to read the article for an informed discussion.

Even though the primary audiences for this session are the teachers, parents, alums, and senior students of Budhanilkantha School, anybody with an interest in the discussion is more than welcome to join.

Here are the details of the event:

Day/Date: Sunday, Oct 10th, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:10 pm (NPT)
Zoom Link:

Attached herewith is an invitation containing details about the event and a short bio of our speaker.

We look forward to seeing you at the event. It would be really kind of you if you could share this invitation with your colleagues, senior students, recent alums, and other stakeholders who might find this conversation relevant.



Event registration closed.

Date And Time

October 10, 2021 @ 06:00 PM

Registration End Date

October 10, 2021


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