SEBS Networking Forum: Re(Connecting) Women SEBSers
SEBS would like to remind you about the event, SEBS Networking Forum: (Re)Connecting Women SEBSers which will be taking place on July 23, Saturday at Leapfrog Technology.
This event is part of our members’ networking series, and a specific effort to (re)connect women SEBSers and facilitate their networking across batches. We realize that SEBS has not been particularly effective in reaching out to our women members and we are committed to making concerted efforts to create an environment that welcomes you.
If you want to take part in the open mic, please fill out the designated segment in the registration form below.
Please feel free to bring your children. If there is enough interest through pre-registration, we plan to coordinate with Book Bus Nepal to keep them entertained.
Date: Saturday, July 23, 2022
Venue: Leapfrog Technology, Charkhal, Kathmandu
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/X6hRZtqegt
Please complete the registration form so that we can plan accordingly.
Additionally, those interested are welcome to continue to mingle afterward in an informal setting.
Please bring your fellow batchmates along and help us facilitate more meaningful networking among SEBSers.
We are excited to see you at the event.