Unlearn 1.0: Preventing Harassment and Discrimination in an Educational Space

Unlearn 1.0: Preventing Harassment and Discrimination in an Educational Space

Unlearn 1.0: Preventing Harassment and Discrimination in an Educational Space

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Speaker: Abigail Leeder, University of Oregon, USA

Abigail Leeder, MA, serves as the Director of Experiential Education and Prevention Initiatives at the University of Oregon. Abigail is the director of two social justice theatre troupes at the UO; the Sexual Wellness Advocacy Team, a peer education group that uses theatre to engage students about healthy sexual relationships, and Rehearsals for Life, a graduate student theatre ensemble that addresses issues of equity and inclusion on campus and beyond. Abigail is trained as a Drama Therapist and has published articles on her work with incarcerated women and on theatre as a tool for personal growth and empowerment for women. Some of her presentations include: ‘Interrupting Oppression in Everyday Situations’ presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, ‘Sexual violence prevention through bystander intervention: A social norms intervention’ presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference Darlington and ‘Appropriate Sanctions for Students Found Responsible for Sexual Misconduct’ at Oregon University System Best Practices in Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference. She presents and consults nationally on her work with theatre as a tool for prevention initiatives on college campuses.

Date: Sunday, November 22, 2020

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